Bathroom Refresh with Wayfair

This post was sponsored by Wayfair in conjunction with my partnership with the Wayfair Homemakers Program Spring has arrived! We are all busy honoring it in some way; lingering outside and walking around the neighborhood; cleaning out our closets and switching our wardrobes from sweaters to short-sleeves; adding rainbows of produce into our meals; refreshing things. I mentioned in passing that we ...

A chance for change.

I wanted a grand entryway...  As someone who is obsessed with interior design and home decorating, I love being a Wayfair Homemaker (click here to read my previous Wayfair posts). In the past year, I have used Wayfair to decorate two homes of my own, one carriage house for a friend and purchased more gifts than I can count. When ...

Blog it Forward

You may have noticed that over there to the right of this post you're reading, yes, right there, under the links to my TV appearances and the button to subscribe, there is a new badge, and one that I am so honored for Mommy, Ever After to wear. I am now part of the Wayfair Homemakers program. ...