Mr. Dad

Dear Friends,

Where do I begin?

Often, it’s something like, “Hi, I’m Becca? I’m fine, thank you! What do I do? Well, I’m an author. And a blogger. Except, I haven’t really blogged…”

(at least this is what I have been saying in my head.)

I owe you so many things right now. Stories. Updates. Explanations.

They’re all coming. You can hold me to it.

But, for now, I can provide you with this: a chance to hear my voice in a way that is different than how we usually get to chat: with your ears!

Click here to check out the radio interview I recorded for Positive Parenting with Armin Brott, creator of Mr. Dad and many other amazing parental resources (from podcasts to books to his extremely comprehensive e-advice column).

Because if you listen to the Mr. Dad interview (in which I was asked a lot of unexpected and valuable questions about the medical side of perinatal mood disorders) perhaps you will be less angry with me for having been a blogger that hasn’t blogged.

But, I have done so many other things. Big things! Hard things! Scary things! Wonderful things!

And I cannot wait to tell you everything.


With love and the fact that I now know that I say the word “Okaaaaay” with a Philly accent



(Thank you to Mr. Dad for the image above)

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