Swainsona formosa

My daughter has many qualities. She has two, however, that make life particularly interesting, especially when they affect one another: 1. She has an incredible gift for verbal communication. She has been talking since 6 months old and has never stopped. But she is one of those "old soul" types, and I am stunned every single ...

That which is ours.

I am a Jewish girl who loves Christmas. I don't think I am particularly unique. I do not have a tree in my house, nor do we celebrate in any religious way. My child attends a Jewish preschool at a Synagogue. But Christmas is just the best. It's CHRISTMAS! I have gotten to experience true Christmas twice in my life: The ...


Dear Daughter, Today you turn four years old. Everyone around me seems to be saying, "Can you believe she is four? It seems she was just born." And in some ways I agree. It's strange to think that I am the parent of a four year old. That sounds grown up to me. But I cherish the fact ...

Gonna Make this Garden Grow

It was one year ago today that my husband and I made our first trip to the baby store, in order to begin picking out our nursery decor. It would still be two weeks before we found out that our Twinkle was a Twinklette, but that didn't stop me from spending hours pouring through books of ...