A good day

This morning I wrote about the joy in life.

I had a full day of appointments ahead of me, but I had to write this morning. I just had to. I wanted to send positive energy out into this world.

I met a friend for coffee at a new place and it was so special.

Before she arrived, I sat, alone, and heard the woman at the counter say that she was looking through her purse for a penny.

I went over and handed one to her from my wallet.

“I hope that this brings you luck”, I told her. She was so moved by the act, as if I had given her so much more than just a penny.

“For all of us,” she replied.

I felt good.

I had such a nice time with my friend, and we talked and shared until the second she had to leave.  Though I had planned to use the rest of my time to work, I walked my friend outside to her car and in doing so I crossed the street next to a woman, dodging several cars, and remarked, “It is so hard to cross the street around here with people speeding like this!”

I invited her to sit next to me (I was in the cozy spot), assuring her that I was going to be working and that I would not bother her, but we could not stop talking. She is an amazing, interesting, beautiful woman and we ended up telling each other our life stories. I can’t wait to learn more.

Then, my other dear friend came by and joined me for some “us” time. It was so good to be able to talk to each other without our kids around, and although I feel like I should feel a tiny bit of guilt for saying that, I do not. I got to look into her eyes and it was just what I needed. We laughed together.

And I ate a baguette with butter and jam.

There was more about today that brought me joy. Some good friends came through for me in a time when I really needed them. I found peace. I got to give back. I heard good news. I got to hear Twin’s voice.

So, yes, there is joy in every day. Today I feel so grateful to be a human being on this earth. I feel grateful for having taken the time to slow down during my day so that I could hand a penny to a stranger;

talk to another woman crossing the street;

unexpectedly visit an old friend whom I have been longing to see for a very long time.

Today, I feel many things, but most of all I feel grateful to be alive, as I am listening to my kids giggle and the sun is shining and my band-mate made a really funny joke over email and I am here, standing, able to take it all in.

I hope that this is a good day,

“For all of us”,


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