When we left off, I was being wheeled into the OR in the afternoon for a surprise C-Section, 4 days early, at 38.5 weeks and scared as hell. I am a very superstitious person and look for signs all around me. During the scary, unknown part of my first unexpected C-Section with my daughter, I was feeling helpless and ...
A Birth Story-My Sequel: Part 2
Perhaps I should back up a bit. As I mentioned, the doctor told me that because of the nature of my contractions, the difference I was feeling (despite having already been through FOUR false alarms), I should come in to Labor and Delivery to be checked out. You should know this about me: I am a positive person, I am ...
A Birth Story–My Sequel: Part 1
Hello, there. Or, to many, I should say Hello, Again. Welcome. Or Welcome Back. Right now, you can find me mostly over at 511 Ever After, but I've decided to return for a post that could only be written here; here where my mommy roots are anchored in deep, in stories of joy, enchantment, confusion, pain....my stories from ...
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