The time has finally come for your official Grand Tour of our new home here at Mommy, Ever After. I will say that some additional features are being added this week, so I will update you when they are available (including the ability to be a subscriber again and get emails sent directly to you whenever ...
My Shop is Closed
(via Ramshackle Glam's Pinterest Page) ser·en·dip·i·ty ˌserənˈdipitē noun noun: serendipity; plural noun: serendipities the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way. *** Yesterday, I read a post that brought me to tears. My girl Jordan over at Ramshackleglam wrote the most beautiful piece entitled, "Not So Brave", about the impending (like, this week) birth of her ...
The Hardest Part.
When I wrote The hardest post I've ever written, I wrote about my struggles with peri- and postpartum depression. But in it, I proclaimed that the hardest part of the hardest post was having to type the following words: I can no longer have children. In it I also wrote how incredibly grateful I am for having ...
Here comes the comeback kid…
(photo above updated October, 2016; taken live from show October 24th at Union Transfer) Today, in the words of my most favorite, Brett Dennen, I felt as if "I'd never been laid so low". That may be a bit hyperbolic, but I was definitely feeling low; I got an unexpected putdown that kind of knocked the wind ...
The hardest post I’ve ever written.
Since having my second child my world has changed in more ways than I could have imagined. As our triangle turned into a square (quite seamlessly in many ways, I should say), I have experienced love and joy that I had not yet known. And one positive thing that I have done has been starting 511, ...
The hardest post I’ve ever written, Part 3.
Life works in amazing ways. This is hardest part of the hardest post. And though I've been so overwhelmingly grateful for the outpouring of support, both publicly and privately, that I have received thus far, it is still hard to put all of these things into plain words. This has been a life changing experience to me, ...
The hardest post I’ve ever written, Part 2.
As I mentioned in Part 1 of this story, my Fall and Winter got very dark. So I warn you to proceed with caution. Because if you know me, you know that I am a happy person. That I'm always smiling, that I love children and that I have dance parties every day. This is a different ...
The hardest post I’ve ever written, Part 1.
Since having my second child my world has changed in more ways than I could have imagined. As our triangle turned into a square (quite seamlessly in many ways, I should say), I have experienced love and joy that I had not yet known. And one positive thing that I have done has been starting 511, ...
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