The time has arrived. The questions have commenced. I've seen the looks. I've caught the half-second-too-long-glances lingering over my mid-section (nope, sorry, it's just the chicken burritos, thank you very much.) People want to know when we're going to have a second child. They wonder. They whisper. They ask. And the answer is... Not yet. Fooled ya, didn't I?! But, it's a valid questions. ...
A case of the crazy.
Today, I took my daughter to the to the post office. As we stood in line waiting to buy our stamps, I noticed the guy behind me. He was fidgeting. He kept putting his hands in his pockets. What is he doing? Does this man have a gun? Is he going to hold up the ...
Mommyhood, in a nutshell.
My daughter hasn't had a proper nap in 2 days. This afternoon, after two hours of trying to get her down, I gritted my teeth and hissed that she was driving me crazy. She popped the pacifier out of her mouth, smiled broadly and said "Hewo, mommy!" *** She went to bed early tonight. She rested her head on my ...
In other milestone news…
So, today, my kid, who now walks and talks and builds blocks and rolls over (and sits and heels....come on, keeping track of these things was much easier when she was, say, 4 weeks, and her skills were limited to things like holding her head and focusing her eyes. Anyhoo,) had a day filled with milestones. She ...
crazy love.
Earlier today, as I drove home, listening to Elvis Costello's "Brutal Youth, I got nauseas. You see, this tape (and yes, I listen to an audio cassette tape version of this album.) was my drive-time staple during the summer that I was pregnant. I'd shout "Sulky Girl" at the top of my lungs, as my body succumbed to ...
This week marked the one year anniversary of my Maternity Leave. Or, as I should more appropriately call it, "The day I went to work, had to leave, and never came back." You see, like everything else in the Land of Mom, my maternity leave did not go as planned. I had intended to teach right up until ...
The Top 10 Things You Will Do When Going Out to a Nice Meal with a Baby
10. You will call ahead to the restaurant to ensure that they are child friendly. You will make sure that they have high chairs. And avocado mashing abilities. And liquor. Lots of liquor. *see #7 9. You will pack a suitcase filled with baby toys, baby snacks, baby rattles, baby teethers, baby cheesedoodles, People magazines and ...
Wanna hear something crazy?
My baby, my tiny little girl, is now mobile. While she's not quite crawling, she's able to really get her move on. She rolls, she drags herself, she pulls herself and can sit up on her own. She can, quite speedily, maneuver herself from one end of the living room to the other end of the living room, and ...
“Oh, what is the letter we love?”
See this guy right up there? That would be my daughter's main squeeze. Apparently, he's also known as Elmo. Apparently, he's kind of cute. Apparently, we have a long history, as I had an original Tickle Me Elmo doll; you know, the one that people camped out at Toys R Us to buy, in the days before Ebay and ...
Daylight Savings
Tonight, we will be turning our clocks back. It is daylight savings time. And, the time as come for you to learn a few things about me that you don't already know: 1) I hate cilantro and parsley. The presence of either of these two green garnishes will ruin a meal for me. 2) I am terribly afraid of ...
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