
"Mommy, Ever After" and Rebecca's work has been featured locally, nationally & internationally, both in writing and on TV. Image via Michelle Sweeney, Little Nest Portraits Rebecca was featured in the New York Times as a mental health advocate for postpartum depression. Photo Credit: Jessica Kourkounis Mommy, Ever After was recognized as "Best Parenting Blog" by Main Line Today magazine Upon the release ...

I have so much.

This weekend was the first that the fierce cold really whipped me in the bones. It has been dancing around, and gotten close, but this weekend it hit me, and got under my skin. We spent most of the time holed up at home, in our cozy fuzzy living room. When we went outside for some brief ...

Full Skirt/Full Circle

This is the true story of two strangers talking over the door of a little dressing room in a big department store on the road to finding out what happens when friends become family. *** 13 years ago, I was obsessed with MTV's The Real World, the voyeuristic sensation that allowed viewers to fall in love (or in hate) with real ...

The hardest post I’ve ever written.

Since having my second child my world has changed in more ways than I could have imagined. As our triangle turned into a square (quite seamlessly in many ways, I should say), I have experienced love and joy that I had not yet known. And one positive thing that I have done has been starting 511, ...

The hardest post I’ve ever written, Part 1.

Since having my second child my world has changed in more ways than I could have imagined. As our triangle turned into a square (quite seamlessly in many ways, I should say), I have experienced love and joy that I had not yet known. And one positive thing that I have done has been starting 511, ...

About me

[parallax photourl="" verticaloffset="180" title="My name is Rebecca" text=" Once Upon a Time I became a mom. And then everything changed. " textmargin="200" overlaycolor="#222" overlayopacity="0.75"] Rebecca Fox Starr is an author, writer, wife, mother and part-time-dance-partier, who founded "Mommy, Ever After" in 2010 after the birth of her daughter, when she realized that no one was speaking honestly ...

A case of the crazy.

Today, I took my daughter to the to the post office. As we stood in line waiting to buy our stamps, I noticed the guy behind me. He was fidgeting. He kept putting his hands in his pockets. What is he doing?  Does this man have a gun? Is he going to hold up the ...

Coming back ’round again.

Here I am. I'm back from a wri-atus of sorts. You see, it was nearly a month ago now that I made the decision to close the door to this chapter. Not because I didn't love writing my "ever after". I did. I loved chronicling my days with my little one; I loved the intimate relationship I was able to develop ...

The Milk of the Mortals

disclaimer: This post addresses some of the gorier details of breastfeeding. Anyone at all squeamish, or male, enter at your own risk. As I have mentioned many a time before, I am a milk machine. That, for those of you who are not native to the land in mom, means that I am breastfeeding my daughter. For the first 3 ...