“Star of Stage and Screen”

Remember these guys? Good old 1980s dancing flowers. With sunglasses. Of course. I got mine on a trip to FAO Schwartz when I was a little girl, and I loved to turn on a song and watch my flower sway and bop and groove to the music. This was also my FAO trip during which I got to buy my first (and ...

Word-ful Wednesday

Okay, Okay. I know it's not Wednesday. It's Friday. I'm not being tricky. It's just that I wrote this post on Wednesday, and could not get the photo to work until just now. And it's also just that I couldn't think of another, more appropriate, more creative, more fitting title. That's what a long week, a baby ...

Gonna Make this Garden Grow

It was one year ago today that my husband and I made our first trip to the baby store, in order to begin picking out our nursery decor. It would still be two weeks before we found out that our Twinkle was a Twinklette, but that didn't stop me from spending hours pouring through books of ...

It is she.

I am special... I am a teacher, which, in many cases, means that I am sort of a professional mom. I wipe away tears, wipe away boogies, kiss boo boos and fall in love, each and every day at work. I am special... I have been working with children "professionally" for the past 13 years (which is half of my life), and can safely say that ...

an ode to a Bubbie

Bubbie, dearest--how do I love thee? Let me count the ways. I'd wax poetic (har!) about all your charms, but don't have enough time in my days. A Bubbie devoted, you have been, since the dawn of this baby's time, when your favorite little star was a mere twinkle in your eye. Before she was born, you knitted for her, cooed to her, and ...

I say this completely objectively, of course, and not just because she is my own, but seriously, my daughter has the most expressive eyes. When she smiles, her whole eyes crinkle and twinkle and just radiate light. She's got that whole Tyra Banks "Smize" thing going on, but good. In fact, today, her entire arm was covering her mouth, but I could tell ...

sister from another mister

My daughter has taken to grasping onto things. Today, during yoga, it was my ponytail. Which made for quite the interesting Cat/Cow situation. She’s very tactile, And loves to feel things, to grab things, to hold things and to touch things at all times. But, nothing compares to her most favorite object to grab, My beloved Twinkle necklace. Interestingly enough, little does ...