
This morning's wake up was a typical one; My daughter roused early and spent time playing in her room. That was until about 6:15 when I heard her calling for me, somewhat frantically. I hopped out of bed and went straight to her room. "Mommy!" I heard her crying. "I NEED to hear 'Defying Gravity!'" Okay. And her sharp cries woke ...

baby talk

This weekend, my daughter started saying "Ma. Mama. Ma." All of the books call it "babbling". I prefer to call it an ode to her favorite person in the world.

I told you so!

So, for all of you naysayers who scoffed at my earlier declaration that my 16 week old daughter said the word "Becca" this morning, check this out: This evening, my husband had his own encounter of the talking-baby-kind. And let me tell you, the man was excited. "BEC! I SWEAR TO YOU, SHE SAID HI! SHE SAID HI TO ME!" "REALLY?!?!?!" "I SWEARRRRRR. I said, ...

not-the-mama, not-the-mama

I'm pretty sure that my daughter just looked at me and said, "Becca". THAT'S MY NAME. Now, I was the only one around to hear it, and yeah, there's that whole, she doesn't know how to talk, yet, thing, but I swear, she looked at me, smack in the eyes, and called me by my name. It's not "Mama", but I'll take it!