“Oh, look out you rock ‘n rollers”

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xMQ0Ryy01yE]   There were a lot of changes-- a lot of new-- in the land of mom this week. Having a lot to be thankful for also comes with some major adjustments. "For everything you have missed, you have gained something else, and for everything you gain, you lose something else." I didn't write that. Ralph Waldo Emerson did. And, he's right. Obviously. He's Ralph Waldo Emerson, and ...

Pennies from heaven

If you know me, you know that I have a thing for feathers. They mean something to me; they serve as signs from the Universe and they remind me that my lost loved ones are near. They are a part of my deeply superstitious nature, and I believe in their power. But, feathers are not the only symbols that have ...

Wanna hear something crazy?

My baby, my tiny little girl, is now mobile. While she's not quite crawling, she's able to really get her move on. She rolls, she drags herself, she pulls herself and can sit up on her own. She can, quite speedily, maneuver herself from one end of the living room to the other end of the living room, and ...

On this fine Saturday, I

stomped on crunchy leaves, was yard sold, bought about 5000 almonds for about 5 dollars, mashed an avocado, called Lola "Loly Guacamole", realized that my new candles actually smell like B.O., purchased a Disney Princess Snuggie, returned a Disney Princess Snuggie, saw 2 giant feathers, missed my angels, wished I could share a funny story with my angels, remembered that my angels probably already knew it, said ...


I made it. I survived my first week back from maternity leave. Yes, I work part time, (and by part time, I mean 3 days a week, for quarter days, at that) but I can't say that I'm not thrilled to have my first week behind me and my little baby before me, as she sits here, sucking on her big ...


So guess what? I'm officially part of the waddle club, again! No, I'm not pregnant. Tricked ya, didn't I? Seriously, though. This afternoon it hit me. I'm no more mobile today than I was when I was lugging a 7lb baby around in my uterus. Why, you ask? The infant car seat. Trying to schlep a baby (especially a baby who happens to be ...

Hot Shots, Part Deux

Yesterday, my daughter had her 4-month-old check-up. This meant getting her weight, measuring the circumference of her head, having the doctors and nurses ooh and ahh over her cuteness, and, of course shots. Now, I went into the appointment feeling like an old pro. We had been through this before. Except, this time, it was a different nurse. So, when I asked her if she ...

One Year Ago, Part 3

Tonight, as we placed the baby in her crib, and she stroked her own full, delicious cheeks with her tiny delicious hands, I couldn't help but to realize that she was wearing a very special nightgown; This gown was the very first anything that my husband and I bought for the baby. It is butter soft, and filled with ...