Half Birthday.

My, my, my, how things have changed. I was just reading through my archives, as I sometimes do, and came across this post from exactly 5 years ago this week. It was about my half birthday. Yes, because back then, evidently, my half birthday was still something post-worthy. I will also say that I was celebrating my 25.5 year ...

There was nothing there.

I just woke up and my skin felt clammy, a unique phenomenon for someone who is perpetually cold. My heart was beating quickly. My brain seemed foggy and it took me a few extra seconds to shake the sleep from my head. My hand was on my bare stomach. There was nothing there. *** Last week, I was out to lunch ...

The Woman in the Window

There is a period in my twenties about which I have not written very much. In trying to think about why I have left this out of my story, when I share so much of my story, I think that it is because I wasn't always as open as I am, so sharing the story of ...

mom milestone

Today, I had a major mom milestone. I threw away the very last bottle from my very last baby. I started writing about milestones when my daughter was 2 months old and now she is a real person. She is currently sitting leopard print rug in my bedroom, playing "Vanaculy" (*Editor's Note: Monopoly) with her godmother. Time ...

I guess this thing is growing up.

This week, there was a really lively and interesting debate under one of my Facebooks posts that was about getting rid of toxic friendships. I think that this post resonated with so many of us, which is why I felt so compelled to share it on my page. And it is funny. I decided, just ...

Living. A whole year later.

I realized, earlier today, that it has been about a year since I returned from my wriatus and began blogging again on this site with my "Hard Story", before I knew to call it that; before I even know what "it" was. For some reason I had thought that my first post back was my ...

A great miracle happened t(here).

There is this thing that happens as you grow up; your family traditions stop being the rituals you have customarily shared with your parents and elders, but they start to evolve, slowly, into things that are perhaps unique and new. Last night was the first night of Hanukkah. Instead of celebrating with parents or family members or friends, ...

This thing that happens.

There's this thing that happens with your dear mommy friends. You have babies and you don't know what the hell you're doing, so you lean on each other. You make calls like "Do you think it's OK to feed the baby a stage 3 food a week early?" or "Is it OK for the baby to sleep in ...

Spring Break.

Please hear me as I say, loud and clear, I love my children. I live for them. I miss them when they are not with me. When I dine at a restaurant without them, I feel like something is missing. When I pick up my daughter from school each day, I exhale, feeling peace that we are reunited. ...