Our Family: A Mother’s Day Story

This morning, early, before the sun had even made it's way up into the sky, my daughter ran in to my room, excited, with this is her arms: "Mommy! Mommy! I have something for you!" And you know how I feel about love notes; this one may reign supreme. The story of us, and how we had evolved (at ...

Just witnessed:

Two small girls; one pink and pudgy and human, the other a furry golden brown, sitting next to each other on the couch. The baby girl stood up on the cushions, craned her neck around so that she and her puppy were face to face, and planted a kiss, smack on the doggy's lips. The puppy kissed and kissed and ...

The sunny spot.

No matter what time of day it is, or what room she is sitting in, my Lola always manages to find the sunny spot, small as it may be, to stretch out and bask and nap upon. The entire house could be dark and gloomy, or filled with energy and sound, and, without fail, Lola will have found the one, small slit of light and ...