Brighter than the sun

Yesterday, I posted a photo collage on Instagram with pictures of my daughter as she went off to have her Kindergarten school pictures taken. I could not believe that she was doing something so grown up; that she looked so mature; that she is so beautiful. I know that it is a thing that people say, but it ...

The Magnificent Seven, The Son Edition.

Looking back, I found the note I wrote to my daughter when she turned seven months, a love letter detailing milestones in her life and expressing my profound love. Today is my son's seventh month birthday, and so, for him I shall do the same. Dearest baby, My sweetness; My light. Today you are seven months old. A magnificent ...

Wordless Wednesday: The SLEEP Edition

As in, my precious, sweet, lovely, happy baby girl is a fabulous sleeper, as long as she is cuddled up next to me, resting her head on my shoulder and holding my hand in hers. Yeah, remember that whole sleep issue? No? 'Cause you can totally read about it here and here and here and also right here and totally here and yes, here and ...