A great miracle happened t(here).

There is this thing that happens as you grow up; your family traditions stop being the rituals you have customarily shared with your parents and elders, but they start to evolve, slowly, into things that are perhaps unique and new. Last night was the first night of Hanukkah. Instead of celebrating with parents or family members or friends, ...

My Nanny

I have written on this site, since it's inception, about my Nanny. My Nanny was my grandmother on my dad's side. She was incredibly special to me, and I lost her when I was 13 years old after a furious 6 month battle with cancer. She is why I have a thing for feathers and lucky pennies. She ...

That time of day.

You know that time of day, when you've been up since 5:30 am and not just up but on, and you are juggling two children at once and a particularly needy dog and find yourself scrubbing the floors and filling up cups of orange juice and bowls of donut holes and folding laundry and not taking a moment to catch ...


and in case you thought that my Nanny missed out on all of the fun on what she once told me was her very favorite holiday.... She most certainly did not.

Pennies from heaven

If you know me, you know that I have a thing for feathers. They mean something to me; they serve as signs from the Universe and they remind me that my lost loved ones are near. They are a part of my deeply superstitious nature, and I believe in their power. But, feathers are not the only symbols that have ...