Thoughtful Parenting

Thank you to Thoughtful Parenting for this feature and for the chance to don my "Becca the author" hat. Thank you to Wendy for the beautiful interview. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your tribe and for your willingness to be a part of mine. Please enjoy this article (and image) as ...

So sad

"Tonight I can write the saddest lines. Write, for example,'The night is shattered and the blue stars shiver in the distance.' The night wind revolves in the sky and sings. Tonight I can write the saddest lines. I loved her..." -Pablo Neruda *** Tomorrow, it will be one week. One week since I got a call from a ...


I just received the most unbelievable text message from my dad. He has my daughter with him at the local park for it's "Fun Day", something that my husband and I both did every year as children, and it's a photo of my daughter holding a trophy with the caption, "Second Place". Now let me backtrack a ...

to believe

This has been a week filled with emotional highs and emotional lows; And it's funny, because some days that seemed really bad ended up turning out ok; Then, on other days that started out so joyful, storm clouds moved in and things fell apart. This week I learned that I was capable of strength that I did not ...

With my two hands.

Today was an unusual day. I got a call from my husband when he went to drop our daughter at school and  he told me that school was closed for Passover. I raced to the car and met them, and picked up my daughter and he went off to work. He was a bit annoyed. Not at ...

Some folks.

This is the story of some folks. You see, during times of great change or excitement, some folks handle their feelings (of being anxious, overwhelmed, excited, ill-prepared) by doing things like making lists, crafting spreadsheets, seeking therapy or running Marathons. Some folks, when faced with an upcoming vacation and big move that just so happen to be happening back ...

I miss writing.

I do. I miss it terribly. I miss writing like it's a limb that's been asleep and I'm just now shaking it awake; It hurts a bit, it's still uncomfortable, and I do not yet think I can bear weight on it. I miss it so much that I ache. But it's been hard to write. Not hard because life's ...

If I don’t write, I will burst.

So, as you well know, I've been on a little wriatus. I've taken some time off the grid, and it's been nice. Certainly, I've missed chronicling my daily moments of wonder (from the quick photo snapped of a tiny tush in even tinier skinny jeans to a 2-year-old's inventive original song lyrics to the foodshots of ...