This has been a week filled with emotional highs and emotional lows;
And it’s funny, because some days that seemed really bad ended up turning out ok;
Then, on other days that started out so joyful, storm clouds moved in and things fell apart.
This week I learned that I was capable of strength that I did not know I had; I often see myself as so fragile, but I am not.
This week I learned that there are some people in our lives who are always going to disappoint us.
This week I learned that my people step up to the plate in ways I could never have imagined; I received help from people 16 months-85 years old; My tribe was there for us beyond belief and my new community has turned out to be so much more incredible than I could have ever imagined. #teamMEA.
Sundays are always hard. I think that’s a pretty universal thing–the Sunday Night Blues, we call them–
but today is a bit harder than other Sundays, as I have a big week ahead.
I have been running a very long marathon and this week I find out if I am able to cross the finish line.
Or not.
Today I saw a quote by C.S. Lewis on the Facebook Page of Italia Gandolfo of Gandolfo Helin & Fountain Literary Management, the agency by whom I am represented. I know that as a writer and person, C.S. Lewis is many things, but instead of getting involved in anything religious or political, I will remember him as the author of The Chronicles of Narnia, books I read in elementary school, and that remind me to keep believing in the fantastic.
Because in times like this week, you can do all that you can, you can try your best, you can plan, you can work as hard as possible, you can run that marathon with all of your heart, but sometimes, more than anything, what you need is faith; just the ability to believe that success is possible.
And so I choose to believe that this past week brought me closer to my people; it has shown me what I am made of and made me feel more grateful than ever for the love that is in my life.
And as far as next week…I am not sure how it is going to go,
but I believe, with all of my heart
that there are better things ahead.
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