Recent Posts by mommyeverafter

Behind the curtain.

When I got into blogging almost 5 years ago I was new to both the word and the world. I just wanted to write honestly about parenthood, and to keep a baby book in the way that I knew how. Throughout the years, I have followed different blogs on and off, my interest waning as content either ...

A purple shirt.

There is this old saying or belief that has been shared by survivors of near death experiences; it is a phenomenon that has become a part of our culture. Right before you're about to die, your whole life will flash before your eyes. "It is said that life flashes before your eyes just before you die. ...


This weekend my baby turned one. I type these words with tears in my eyes. Some are happy tears, some are grateful tears, and some, I will admit, are wistful. My son; this child of mine has surprised me from the very beginning. He surprised me when I peed on a stick and saw two lines. Really? But ...

I mean, why settle for four eyes

when you can have eight? So, yeah, this morning we found out that our baby boy, 10 days shy of his first birthday, will need glasses, just like his big sister. Evidently, though, he is an overachiever, because whereas she didn't need them until she was 13 months old, he is getting them before 12. Atta boy! And though he ...

“Once there was a tree…”

Do you remember how I wrote about how my son sometimes acts like a wild animal? Well, for every one of those posts, there are bedtimes like these, sweet nuzzles into my chest, swelling pride at watching him say a new word or master a new trick or try a new food... Shel Silverstein But, seriously, kid. Yesterday ...

That dang ol’ Y Chromosome.

I kid. A little. (*Note, if you know me, you will know that I am the last person to make gender stereotypes or, frankly, to make any judgements about a person's behavior or character based on things such as sex, gender or any other personal feature. So I am not actually being sexist here I promise.) But, alas, ...

Dear Son,

We just got quite the treat you and I, now didn't we? I got to do your bedtime tonight. I am usually stuck with that sister of yours. Just kidding (about the stuck part, that is. You know she and I love our nightly snuggle session). Oh but tonight, how delicious it was. Your room was dark and I held ...

Say that you remember…

It's so late. Well, for me it is. Just as I type this very word the clock has hit midnight. The second day of September now. The night before the first day of school. And I did not get much rest last night, but sleep is eluding me. And I got to thinking--this blog is ...

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