This past week has kept me oh-so-busy.
Like, Bizzy.
And it’s been good.
But, it has not left me with the time or energy to put my pen to paper to keyboard,
or what have you.
So, as a way to fill you in (or an attempt to make an excuse),
here are some things.
Some things I’ve done since we spoke last.
Just some things:
I’ve started to jog. And by jog, I mean I jog for a minute and then walk for ten minutes. But, I’m moving my body, so now I can officially call myself a jock. My next step will be getting a jersey with my name on it.
I’ve become a regular at our favorite lunch spot.
I’ve been singing. For other people (!).
I made these. And I ate them. All of them. Thank Gd I’m an athlete, now.
I found my poetry, again.
I crowded into a tiny dressing room with my Mom and my Mommom and my Aunt and My Sister and my Daughter, as we all helped my sister to find the perfect dress. I felt so lucky. (More on this to come…)
I watched a dear, so-in-love couple as they became husband and wife. I toasted to their marriage. I requested this song I got DOWN.
I bowled, terribly.
I woke up one morning and danced, in sunglasses, to Queen, before brushing my teeth.
I heard a friend tell me that I didn’t seem like myself; I knew that she was right; I let her talk me through it; I felt so much love.
I had a picnic outside with my class. We dined on chocolate cake and rice cakes. We are so elegant.
I heard my daughter sing every word of “Sydney (I’ll Come Running)”.
I got a hair cut. I botched a manicure. I found my daughter in my makeup drawer, with a face-full of blush. And pride.
I explained to a group of 3-year-old boys why my daughter needs glasses.
I haven’t slept well.
I’ve seen piles of feathers.
I’ve missed you.
March 27, 2014
A family member of mine saw you on the news shortly before I had broken down about having trouble accepting staying home all day with my newborn. Is there a way to read about what you were on the news about?
March 27, 2014
I thought I would love staying home but I don’t!
March 27, 2014
I am so sorry for what you are going through. Please email me at if you need support. Here is the link to my post
and here is the news clip