Mommy’s got a question for ya.

It’s about freckles.
You see, this summer has been a bit more indoorsy  than usual.
That’s what you get when you mix a new baby + excessive excessive heat warnings + my husband’s skin tone, which I would describe as beige (OK, just off-white, but I’m being kind.)
And so, my normal sprinkling of freckles have been kept at bay.
That is, until last weekend, when oh! Hi! There you are! Where’ve you been, freckles, dear?
I should tell you, I’m a bit into freckles.
My sister’s especially.
She has a very unique,
very amazing, as far as I’m concerned,
freckle on her nose,
and I just loooooooove that little tan dot.
When we were little, I would make deals with her, just to get the chance to rub her freckle.
To me, it was magic.
And so, it was my pleasure to hand her the remote, wait on her hand and foot, and let her sit next to my mom at dinner every night for a week, just so I could lay my hands on that little freckle.
She has often threatened a freckle-ectomy.
I won’t let it happen.
My mom told her it was where the angels kissed her face when she was born.
That freckle is staying.
Anyway, today, as I looked down at my speckled, freckly arms,
and then over at my milky white little angel-face,
(the baby, not the husband. Although he’s a milky white little angel face, as well.)
I started to wonder…
when do people get freckles?
Do they just pop up overnight?
Dot they slowly darken into little skin dots?
Weird, right?
Well, this isn’t one of those rhetorical questions….I’m really, truly asking. So, if you have any insight into this, please let me know.
If you provide me with any valuable information
I shall reward you by giving you 3 rubs of my sister’s freckle.
Spottedly Yours,
Freckle Face

By Friday, August 27, 2010 2 No tags Permalink
  • Meredith B.
    August 28, 2010

    I was born with a “beauty mark” (my family refuses to call them freckles or moles) right above my belly button. My dad noticed it immediately, and ever since it has been “his” beauty mark. Growing up, that’s where he tickled me the most, and he still asks me how “his” beauty mark is doing to this day. So I believe it’s entirely possible to be born with them, but I’ve also had new ones develop over the years, too. I hope this helps!

    • mommyeverafter
      August 28, 2010

      I love the beautiful “beauty mark” story! Thank you so much for sharing, your story really means so much to me!

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