Something New!

My sister and I, like any two people, have strengths and weaknesses. She is not great at cutting with scissors. I am terrible at parking.
She is a Journalism whiz kid and I am an expert at Dirty Dancing.
But, one thing that we are both really, really talented in is
Blog Stalking.
We are total blog-o-holics. In fact, it was my baby sister who first introduced me to the blogosphere, back when she was a Sophomore in college. I gave one blog one hit
and I was hooked.
We talk about bloggers like they’re are friends.
We text, feverishly, about bloggers’ baby names,
and what they just ate for lunch.
For me (for us), Blogs give us great, always-accessible reading material,
and, most compellingly, they give us the ability to be total voyeurs.
I should mention that along with Sex and the City and Essie nail colors,
we are also experts at stalking.
We just love to stalk.
And that’s what blogging is. Relishing in every anecdote,
every outfit,
every meal.
And, also, you know…I blog.
And I Mommy Blog.
So, as we sat yesterday, tapping our freshly painted Essie nails and discussing the merits of a certain blogger’s recently posted snack choice, I got to thinking.
I love blogging.
I love food. And though I am no Top Chef, I cook dinner for my family every night.
So, if you come here because you like to commiserate,
or you come here because you like to be a voyeur into my little world,
or if you come here because you’re related to me,
I figure you might enjoy this little bit of New.
So, here goes. I am going to try out a new page, and on it I will share our nightly Family Dinners.
Nothing fancy, just quick snapshots of what I am cooking and what we are eating.
You can use it to get ideas,
or you can use it to be a stalker in my kitchen,
or you can use it to judge me.
And, if you find it boring, skip it. And, if you think I’m a terrible looking cook, send me tips.
But, I suspect you might like this new glimpse into our little Land.
At least I hope you will.
And so, without further ado, I will begin posting on our Family Dinners tonight.
If I can figure it out.
Because I may be good with coming up with healthy, filling family dinners on the fly,
but I am not good at computers and websites. I’ll do my best.
And, at the very least, I know I’ll have one dedicated dinner stalker.
Sister, I’m looking at you.
Blog Appetit.

By Sunday, January 29, 2012 3 No tags Permalink
  • Jessica
    January 29, 2012

    Make that TWO dedicated dinner stalkers, can’t wait!! :)

  • Anne
    January 29, 2012

    I’ll be the third!

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