
This weekend my baby turned one. I type these words with tears in my eyes. Some are happy tears, some are grateful tears, and some, I will admit, are wistful. My son; this child of mine has surprised me from the very beginning. He surprised me when I peed on a stick and saw two lines. Really? But ...

My Shop is Closed

(via Ramshackle Glam's Pinterest Page) ser·en·dip·i·ty ˌserənˈdipitē noun noun: serendipity; plural noun: serendipities the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way. *** Yesterday, I read a post that brought me to tears. My girl Jordan over at Ramshackleglam wrote the most beautiful piece entitled, "Not So Brave", about the impending (like, this week) birth of her ...

When I peed on that stick–all I didn’t know, 2.0

When my daughter was just shy of 18 months old I wrote about all of the things that I didn't know when I had first decided to become a mother. How that list has grown. Since that time I have learned about RSV and nebulizers, I have learned about cheerios vs. puffs, Disney Junior as opposed to Nick Junior... the ...

A whole new level.

This weekend was pretty awesome. And it's been a while since we could say that so let me pause a second so I can knock on wood. OK, back. Anyway, instead of going to the shore or taking a day trip, we stuck around, walked down the empty streets, soaked up the sun and enjoyed our fantastic ...

I miss writing.

I do. I miss it terribly. I miss writing like it's a limb that's been asleep and I'm just now shaking it awake; It hurts a bit, it's still uncomfortable, and I do not yet think I can bear weight on it. I miss it so much that I ache. But it's been hard to write. Not hard because life's ...

Let it do what it do.

This evening, my daughter had some play time with her very best friend. The girls play several times a week, and have done so for the past year. They share family dinners, dance parties, sweet toddler kisses, and a language that is their own. They are so in love. Yet tonight, they were two. Terribly two. My daughter ...

Somethings (and #febphotoaday/16)

16. Something New On May 31, 2008, as the saxophone played, I held onto my dad's arm and walked, down a peony-lined runner, towards my forever. I had something old, a headpiece made of champagne and ivory seed pearls, worn by my Nanny on her wedding day; I had something borrowed, the tiny, gold wedding band, that had been on my Mommom's own finger ...

Almost paradise.

My apologies. I know that things have been quiet around these parts. While I may have been absent outwardly,   rest assured that I've been a good blogging squirrel, gathering seeds and hoarding stories and collecting photos of my baby, bee-lining towards sparkly shoes, to share with you. But, the truth is, it's been a hard week. And it's a long story. But ...

Baby is back….baby!

Why, hello there! Yes! It's me! I'm back! Remember me? I first wrote to you one, whole long year ago. Yes, it's me! I'm back! HEELLLOOO! So let me just begin by getting a few important things out of the way: One, I am no longer a baby. I am a big girl. See how much more eloquently ...