Two years after two lines.

Would you like to hear something funny? This morning, my husband had brunch with the members of his "eating club", as a farewell to the current Four Seasons breakfast before the hotel changes it's location. He, my dad, my brousins, my dad's best friend since high school and his sons have formed "The E-Street Supper Club" ...

Human again.

It's a funny thing; It has been so long since I have written on here about having named my daughter after a Disney Princess. If you click on that big magnifying glass in the upper right hand corner of this page and type in the words "Disney Princess" you will be shocked at how many ...

Oh, hi, Brett Dennen.

If you follow me in any way on social media, or if you have spent more than 5 minutes on this site, you will know that I am an enormous fan of the person and musician named Brett Dennen. You might know that my favorite song is "Sydney (I'll Come Running)" because of it's profound meaning ...

Swainsona formosa

My daughter has many qualities. She has two, however, that make life particularly interesting, especially when they affect one another: 1. She has an incredible gift for verbal communication. She has been talking since 6 months old and has never stopped. But she is one of those "old soul" types, and I am stunned every single ...

I am glad to be ranked #1 on the list.

Today, I cherished the mundane. Instead of pulling up in carline to pick up my daughter from school, I walked in to get her and the look on her face...I am actually truly getting tears in my eyes thinking of it. She beamed. And I know that that is an adjective used quite often, but it's actual ...

You are not alone.

Below, before the three asterisks, is what I wrote early this morning. I took some time off from writing this more emotional post and so, instead, I posted the story of a dance party. Then, my parents took  my daughter to see her new favorite movie, I picked up the cake for my husband's birthday tomorrow ...

In sickness and in health.

We were huddled together, sharing a tiny bed in the ER hallway, as the hospital was so crowded that there were no spare rooms. I was wearing a gown and motorcycle boots and he made a headrest for himself with his coat, so that he could lean against the nurse's station. We couldn't see most ...

Happy Anniversary, sweet city.

This post is so hard to write. I know that I have some experience in writing hard posts, but this is a different kind of hard. Because although I have endured pain in the past year, there is unique, exquisite ache that comes with nostalgia, which is really the heart of this post. Nostalgia is defined as ...


Something interesting happened to me this week; my iPhone stopped working. It was on Thursday, New Year's Day, and one minute it was sending and receiving texts (despite being shattered and an eyesore) and the next minute the screen became completely dysfunctional. I could not use it at all, which meant that I could not swipe ...