Living. A whole year later.

I realized, earlier today, that it has been about a year since I returned from my wriatus and began blogging again on this site with my "Hard Story", before I knew to call it that; before I even know what "it" was. For some reason I had thought that my first post back was my ...

What is in store? Ever so much more.

Yesterday, my "work day" wrapped up with a chat with my business manager. By the way, you must remember, I am the girl who has only had one set of business cards in her entire life... and they were Betty Boop business cards I had personalized for me at FAO Schwartz that read, "Star of Stage and ...

I have so much.

This weekend was the first that the fierce cold really whipped me in the bones. It has been dancing around, and gotten close, but this weekend it hit me, and got under my skin. We spent most of the time holed up at home, in our cozy fuzzy living room. When we went outside for some brief ...

Go team.

Something amazing just happened. It was one of those slightly hectic moments in my daily routine, during which time I take both kids out of the car, unpack my daughter's backpack, unpack her lunch bag, clean out her lunch bag, put away any groceries or things I've picked up... and as I was doing all of that, ...

About Mommy

Hey there! Hi! Thank you so much for stopping by. You may been here before. Thanks so much for sticking around. But, perhaps you're new here. Perhaps you've wandered these parts before, but you're not sure. Perhaps you need something to jog your memory. Perhaps you're not a newbie, per se, but haven't been here since the beginning. I'm ...


One year ago today, on a cloudy Saturday, much like this one, my day would prove to be my last on earth P.M.; Pre-Mommy. My birth story, though already begun, was far from over. But I did not know that, yet. All I knew was that I was ready to meet my little darling. This morning, I spent much of an hour ...


This week marked the one year anniversary of my Maternity Leave. Or, as I should more appropriately call it, "The day I went to work, had to leave, and never came back." You see, like everything else in the Land of Mom, my maternity leave did not go as planned. I had intended to teach right up until ...

Thoughtful Parenting

Thank you to Thoughtful Parenting for this feature and for the chance to don my "Becca the author" hat. Thank you to Wendy for the beautiful interview. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your tribe and for your willingness to be a part of mine. Please enjoy this article (and image) as ...

11 things I’ve become obsessed with during quarantine.

Friends, you know me. You know that we are still quarantined, or socially distant, or in the red zone, whatever you want to call it. You know that COVID-19 is making me feel like a bad mom. There has been a lot of womp-womp-ing over here, and so, as I sit here in my living room, my favorite room in ...

a blogger?

Hello, my friends. How are you, on this fine day? Did you rest well? I sure hope so. Speaking of rest, I was thinking of you this morning, at 4:30, when I was roused from slumber and then could not manage to fall back to sleep. I tried all of my go-to tricks; the healthy ones, to start. ...