“Superstition ain’t the way.”

It started with a chair. Well, two chairs if I am being honest, but if you get the reference above then we are automatically better friends than we were before you opened this post. More on that, later. Two years ago, just after we closed on our new home, I went with my parents to the Rago ...

In sickness and in health.

We were huddled together, sharing a tiny bed in the ER hallway, as the hospital was so crowded that there were no spare rooms. I was wearing a gown and motorcycle boots and he made a headrest for himself with his coat, so that he could lean against the nurse's station. We couldn't see most ...

Diving in (and peeing on).

So, it has been well established that my two children were very different babies. My daughter didn't sleep. My son sleeps. My daughter nursed for 18 months. My son nursed for 10 weeks. My daughter would sit and play for hours. My son eats candles. My daughter, when taken to the pool for the first time, splashed on the ...

Nurture, Nature and “Into the Woods”.

Yesterday was a big day. My son woke up late, as a treat, and my daughter followed me into his room to change his morning diaper. "Today is the day!" she beamed. "I know! Today is the cookie party!" I answered, referring to our plans for the special Pollyanna party with our best friends. "No!" She cried. "Today, Bubbie ...

Stay Tuned and Get Pumped! (is what I was going to say.)

Patience, my dear ones. For I am off to a happy place, where I will be celebrating my 8th Engagemaversary in that very same spot. ...is what I had written, yesterday, prepared to publish today, as I would now be off to St. John, via St. Thomas, with my entire family; Parents, siblings, kids... It's funny. Just last week, ...

All aboard.

Today is a sick day. I am home with two sick kiddos and not feeling so hot myself (except, if you mean temperature hot, which I do, a little). Throughout the past four and a half years I have written about so many sick days; the time that my baby had her first fever and my husband ...

“In Our Time” and on my night table.

“What we call the beginning is often the end. And to make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from.” -T.S. Eliot, one of my favorites. Last night before bed I scanned my night table for my glasses, and took a minute to note what I keep there, next to me, ...

Snapshot of a Day

Tuesday, November 4th. It is Election Day. It is my Poppy Don's 86th birthday. It is the date when my son was supposed to have his bris, had he not come 4 days before his scheduled C-Section. But this Tuesday is also an anniversary, and not a good one. A year ago on the Tuesday of this week I received ...

I mean, why settle for four eyes

when you can have eight? So, yeah, this morning we found out that our baby boy, 10 days shy of his first birthday, will need glasses, just like his big sister. Evidently, though, he is an overachiever, because whereas she didn't need them until she was 13 months old, he is getting them before 12. Atta boy! And though he ...

That dang ol’ Y Chromosome.

I kid. A little. (*Note, if you know me, you will know that I am the last person to make gender stereotypes or, frankly, to make any judgements about a person's behavior or character based on things such as sex, gender or any other personal feature. So I am not actually being sexist here I promise.) But, alas, ...