The hardest post I’ve ever written.

Since having my second child my world has changed in more ways than I could have imagined. As our triangle turned into a square (quite seamlessly in many ways, I should say), I have experienced love and joy that I had not yet known. And one positive thing that I have done has been starting 511, ...

The hardest post I’ve ever written, Part 2.

As I mentioned in Part 1 of this story, my Fall and Winter got very dark. So I warn you to proceed with caution. Because if you know me, you know that I am a happy person. That I'm always smiling, that I love children and that I have dance parties every day. This is a different ...

The hardest post I’ve ever written, Part 1.

Since having my second child my world has changed in more ways than I could have imagined. As our triangle turned into a square (quite seamlessly in many ways, I should say), I have experienced love and joy that I had not yet known. And one positive thing that I have done has been starting 511, ...

Love (notes) and marriage.

This evening, as my husband was putting the baby to bed, I went down to the basement to go through our belongings. I am cleaning things out because (gasp!) we are planning to move. But that's another story for another day. So in an effort to purge all things (I) deemed unnecessary, I took a few moments ...

Scenes from The Bean/Happy Birthday, Twin!

So, I've been keeping a bit of a secret from you. Actually, it's kind of big... ( least in this land....the Land of Mom, that is.) 2 weeks ago, I spent my first weekend away WOB (without babe). It's taken me this long to share because a) I had to find the right words b) I had to process all that ...

The hardest part.

The hardest part of being a parent is watching your child suffer. I am so so so so so so so millionsofsos blessed that our suffering has been limited and that our daughter has had a healthy, happy life. But, today she is sick. She has been sick for a week. It is RSV or, for those of you ...

Too hot to handle.

I have spent the last 3 days with a very sick baby and a very far away husband. I have spent the last 3 days covered in snot. I have spent the last three days with tissues tucked into every crevasse of my outfit. And no, I do not stuff my bra. I have spent the last three days worried ...


So, I just decided to start weaning my daughter. She has been breastfed for 13 months and 20 days, and save a few sips of cow's milk here and there, it has been mama's milk and mama's milk only since we first met, all of those many days, and feedings, ago. I remember when nursing her used to ...


So, this month, for the very first time, I neglected to write a Monthaversary tribute to my daughter. You know, like when she was five months and six months and seven months and eight months... And it's not that I've been forgetful or busy teaching. It's that I can't put into words how much this little 9 month old means to me. I can't find the ...

“Oh, what is the letter we love?”

    See this guy right up there? That would be my daughter's main squeeze. Apparently, he's also known as Elmo. Apparently, he's kind of cute. Apparently, we have a long history, as I had an original Tickle Me Elmo doll; you know, the one that people camped out at Toys R Us to buy, in the days before Ebay and ...