I’m a gardener now!

So, the title of this post may be slightly misleading, but I am going to say that in comparison to where I was at this time last year, I am a freakin' plant expert. I have never liked gardening, and I think it is for two main reasons: 1. I have never been good at it 2. A nearly debilitating ...

Self Soothe.

I posted this image and caption on Instagram a few moments ago: I am so lucky that I already got such a lovely and perfect comment. If you can't read it, it says, "And I like-Perfect Just As You Are, even when you aren't your prettiest, or funniest or most joyful or best self." This was written ...

There was nothing there.

I just woke up and my skin felt clammy, a unique phenomenon for someone who is perpetually cold. My heart was beating quickly. My brain seemed foggy and it took me a few extra seconds to shake the sleep from my head. My hand was on my bare stomach. There was nothing there. *** Last week, I was out to lunch ...

Summer Camp, for me.

(Featured Image from JKCP Xploration Showcase, Summer 2014) "JKCP Summer, it's a place for glee..." 19 years ago, I crafted those words, as I was responsible for writing our camp's theme song. After an unsuccessful one month and four days at overnight camp, I was a bit lost, until I found my personal mecca in the form of ...

Be My Baby

Last week, in my post about my emotional day, I wrote the following: "I had at least a handful of moments where I would catch eyes with my son and smile and he would beam back at me with his grin that is becoming more toothy by the day. I think there is a small part of ...

Snapshot of a Day

Tuesday, November 4th. It is Election Day. It is my Poppy Don's 86th birthday. It is the date when my son was supposed to have his bris, had he not come 4 days before his scheduled C-Section. But this Tuesday is also an anniversary, and not a good one. A year ago on the Tuesday of this week I received ...

Burst pipes, burst tears, and the craziest week ever.

There are times when I find it difficult to find the words to type. Other times, they just come pouring out. Like a flood. I write this post from a chair in my parents' living room, in my dad's XL sweatshirt, reeling. Tears are starting to form in my eyes. Like a flood. *** This week we had historic rains. When we ...

I miss writing.

I do. I miss it terribly. I miss writing like it's a limb that's been asleep and I'm just now shaking it awake; It hurts a bit, it's still uncomfortable, and I do not yet think I can bear weight on it. I miss it so much that I ache. But it's been hard to write. Not hard because life's ...

Best. Note. Ever.

Found this on my way into my parents' house on Sunday. (We were sitting for the pups.) This note tickled me. My dad knows me so well. Oh, and did you catch his reference to Tuesday night's dinner? He was planning a Boys Night, with an extensive and oh-so-manly menu. But, alas, one of the men fell ill and so ...

Daylight Savings

Tonight, we will be turning our clocks back. It is daylight savings time. And, the time as come for you to learn a few things about me that you don't already know: 1) I hate cilantro and parsley. The presence of either of these two green garnishes will ruin a meal for me. 2) I am terribly afraid of ...