We just got quite the treat you and I, now didn't we? I got to do your bedtime tonight. I am usually stuck with that sister of yours. Just kidding (about the stuck part, that is. You know she and I love our nightly snuggle session). Oh but tonight, how delicious it was. Your room was dark and I held ...
Dear Baby,
Why did you take so gosh darn long to fall asleep tonight? Was it the 2 1/2 hour afternoon nap, snuggled up under the cool white sheets with Mommy as the fan whirred above our heads? Was it the extra few bites of Mama's key lime cupcake? Is a sugar high to blame? Were the songs from our ...
last night/bedtime/as you fell asleep in my arms/a haiku
When we rock to sleep, we are the sole two souls, dear, in this grand, grand world.
Being a mama means
that on the night that your baby decides to stay up 3 hours past her bedtime, (not screaming, not crying, not whining, but just talking and laughing and sitting and playing), and you finally get her to fall asleep at quarter to 11 on the night before your longest, toughest night of the week, when you still have laundry to do and ...
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