I say this completely objectively, of course, and not just because she is my own, but seriously, my daughter has the most expressive eyes. When she smiles, her whole eyes crinkle and twinkle and just radiate light. She's got that whole Tyra Banks "Smize" thing going on, but good. In fact, today, her entire arm was covering her mouth, but I could tell ...

Does anyone else's baby seem to use Tummy Time as an excuse to lie on the floor and lick the brightly colored animals on her play mat? No? Yeah, neither does mine.

the day that I got poop on my face

I am a new mother. I may work with kids, all day, every day, but to mommyhood, I am a total newbie. And I totally think I’m in the realm of calm. …Most of the time Like when my baby hiccups out of the blue…and just for a second I think she’s having some kind of spasm disorder. That’s just ...

So, do most people watch the song and dance numbers from their favorite musical television shows on repeat? And dance along? And then actually learn the dances? And then do said dances over and over again, in the bedroom, standing in front of the TV, husband, baby, dogs (and any neighbors walking by)? And then ...