Clear eyes, Full belly, Can’t lose

Five years ago I wrote the post below, completely, blissfully unaware of what my life would look like today, one new house, one new child, a million tears and a grillion smiles later. But, it is worth noting that my heart has still been growing. And now, as my sweet girl cuddles up by my side on the ...

In sickness and in health.

We were huddled together, sharing a tiny bed in the ER hallway, as the hospital was so crowded that there were no spare rooms. I was wearing a gown and motorcycle boots and he made a headrest for himself with his coat, so that he could lean against the nurse's station. We couldn't see most ...

My Love.

Long ago, we wrote love notes. We wrote each other poems, left little hearts around, exchanged cards and poems. Now, our love is much deeper. We have been through the worst together, and I don't say it enough. I am so lucky to have a husband who brings home "just because" flowers to me. That is nice. But that's ...