Mug shot

This is a post about mugs. Yes, you read that correctly. More accurately, I guess, this is a story about mugs. I've recently published some heavy stuff on here, and though I always like to share the parts of life that are hardest (about "what hurts" as my main main Hemingway has advised)-- --and sometimes I simply post because I am fortunate ...

Christmas Eve

Merry Christmas Eve. Right now, I am celebrating by typing in my office (read: bed. It is so warm and cozy in here! I have THIS on my lap!) and listening to the three people whom I love the most as they play downstairs. They are playing Yo Gabba Gabba and something called Bunchems and beautiful, blessed music. I ...


I know that I am about a week late, but I felt compelled, just now, to share some of the things for which I am supremely thankful. I guess that, for me, it is a good lesson that we (I) should be more present in the now and therefore more grateful every day. Maybe not ...

Cupcakes and Cashmere at Home

I have to say, I am thoroughly enjoying being both a Birchbox #Birchblogger and part of the #BirchboxBookClub. I love making videos each month and have been having tons of fun with my YouTube Channel. I keep threatening my songwriting partner that I am going to post some of our raw footage. Speaking of songwriting, if you follow ...

A good day

This morning I wrote about the joy in life. I had a full day of appointments ahead of me, but I had to write this morning. I just had to. I wanted to send positive energy out into this world. I met a friend for coffee at a new place and it was so special. Before she arrived, ...

My first blog post ever.

My friends! Here I am, just in time to sign off once again. This past week both my phone and my computer crashed. Like, really, actually crashed. If you watch that clip right over there -------------------> you can see that my laptop screen was already cracked, but this week it went kaput. So I haven't been able to post, ...

Because I am very tired

I was going to make the title of this post "Guilt." but something about that felt vaguely familiar to me. So I did a quick search and exactly one month ago, on February 3, I wrote an entire post about guilt. At that point my guilt was centered around the pressure I was putting on ...

to believe

This has been a week filled with emotional highs and emotional lows; And it's funny, because some days that seemed really bad ended up turning out ok; Then, on other days that started out so joyful, storm clouds moved in and things fell apart. This week I learned that I was capable of strength that I did not ...

We talked about sex. (Let’s talk some more.)

SEE BELOW FOR IMPORTANT UPDATE: Last week, I wrote my first ever post about sex. I am very careful about the content that I include on my site, a site called "Mommy, Ever After", but I think that the post (and the subsequent conversations that it sparked) are lifestyle issues that will help all of us ...