Earlier today, as I drove home, listening to Elvis Costello's "Brutal Youth, I got nauseas. You see, this tape (and yes, I listen to an audio cassette tape version of this album.) was my drive-time staple during the summer that I was pregnant. I'd shout "Sulky Girl" at the top of my lungs, as my body succumbed to ...
One Year Ago, Part 2
The stick had been peed upon (seriously, why isn't there a nicer way to say it?) and the verdict was in. Except, it wasn't, exactly. My husband and I studied the E.P.T. (seriously, why is it called "Error Proof". I would call this "Easily Error-able") mulling over the one dark line next to the other faint line. Now, from all of my reading, a line ...
pregnancy brain(less)
Being pregnant is amazing, truly. A miracle. And what they fail to mention in all of the “What to Expect” books is that being pregnant is like receiving a brain transplant. Not only does your mind no longer work properly, but it also encourages bouts of actual insanity. Remember the The Iced Tea Incident? Unfortunately, that wasn’t just some ...
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