The stick had been peed upon
(seriously, why isn’t there a nicer way to say it?)
and the verdict was in.
Except, it wasn’t,
My husband and I studied the E.P.T.
(seriously, why is it called “Error Proof”. I would call this “Easily Error-able”)
mulling over the one dark line
next to the other faint line.
Now, from all of my reading,
a line is a line is a line,
no matter how faint.
So, I did what any responsible young-adult would do in that situation:
I texted my mom (remember, it was 6am on a Saturday).
Her response?
“Mazel Tov”.
Still, I couldn’t believe it.
I didn’t tell a soul (besides, you know, my husband, but he already knew,
and my mom, duh,
and Lola and Ziggy, but they don’t speak English).
I just spent the rest of the day eating, and sleeping, and sleeping, and protecting my tummy from the elements, and sleeping.
I so knew.
I just couldn’t let myself believe it.
And so,
the very next morning,
still unable to sleep,
I crept back into the bathroom,
peed on yet another little white stick,
and said a prayer.
Yet again,
a second, faint line appeared.
Come. On.
And so, unable to grapple with this uncertainty for any longer,
I had my husband pack us up
(what? I couldn’t do any heavy lifting in my condition….if I was in a condition, that is)
and take us home,
so that I could show my parents the pregnancy test.
Okay, now, I get it. I’m not normal. This has been established from the get-go. But, there are just some times that a girl needs her mom and dad.
So, we hurried home, test in hand (or in suitcase. Ew!)
to get a second opinion.
My parents were convinced. Preggo, I was.
Except, I still didn’t buy it.
Not totally.
I needed real proof. I needed a bloodtest. But, it was Sunday. And so, I’d have to drag myself in to the doctor’s office the next day,
to get the real confirmation that I had been waiting for.
Little did I know that getting this assurance wouldn’t be quite as easy as I would have hoped…
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