Mug shot

This is a post about mugs. Yes, you read that correctly. More accurately, I guess, this is a story about mugs. I've recently published some heavy stuff on here, and though I always like to share the parts of life that are hardest (about "what hurts" as my main main Hemingway has advised)-- --and sometimes I simply post because I am fortunate ...

Find Your Perfect Holiday Gift at Mina Danielle

The holidays are almost here. Last year the holidays were the best ever, as we invented and established our own holiday traditions. I am so happy that many of these traditions have stuck; we are doing another Pollyanna gift exchange, some trips and have Christmas plans that involve nine pairs of matching pajamas. Though holidays, for me, are ...

A great miracle happened t(here).

There is this thing that happens as you grow up; your family traditions stop being the rituals you have customarily shared with your parents and elders, but they start to evolve, slowly, into things that are perhaps unique and new. Last night was the first night of Hanukkah. Instead of celebrating with parents or family members or friends, ...