Earlier today, as I drove home, listening to Elvis Costello's "Brutal Youth, I got nauseas. You see, this tape (and yes, I listen to an audio cassette tape version of this album.) was my drive-time staple during the summer that I was pregnant. I'd shout "Sulky Girl" at the top of my lungs, as my body succumbed to ...
Wanna hear something crazy?
My baby, my tiny little girl, is now mobile. While she's not quite crawling, she's able to really get her move on. She rolls, she drags herself, she pulls herself and can sit up on her own. She can, quite speedily, maneuver herself from one end of the living room to the other end of the living room, and ...
giving credit where credit is due
Today, my husband managed to surprise me. I know that I have mentioned before that I am notorious for predicting my husband's surprises, and therefore foiling any attempts to give me a shock. There is this cosmic connection we share, a keen ability that we have to read one another, that makes any surprises, large or small, nearly impossible. For ...
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