Sweet things.

This week, things changed for me a bit; My plans, my outlook, my mood. I was able to appreciate some really sweet things from some really sweet people. There are many. I have been the lucky recipient of so many kind notes, inspirational screen shots, kisses-- but here are just a few of the sweet things that touched me ...

Swainsona formosa

My daughter has many qualities. She has two, however, that make life particularly interesting, especially when they affect one another: 1. She has an incredible gift for verbal communication. She has been talking since 6 months old and has never stopped. But she is one of those "old soul" types, and I am stunned every single ...

I’ve been beanboozled.

If you are a parent or someone who is around kids, you know that about 1/3-1/2 of the things that they say are actually true. There are kernels of truth in most things, but there are also great exaggerations (the kind folk refer to these as "imaginations"). So my daughter tells me things every day like: "There ...

All aboard.

Today is a sick day. I am home with two sick kiddos and not feeling so hot myself (except, if you mean temperature hot, which I do, a little). Throughout the past four and a half years I have written about so many sick days; the time that my baby had her first fever and my husband ...