Because I am very tired

I was going to make the title of this post "Guilt." but something about that felt vaguely familiar to me. So I did a quick search and exactly one month ago, on February 3, I wrote an entire post about guilt. At that point my guilt was centered around the pressure I was putting on ...

A handful of things

1. I had my MRI/MRA yesterday. It was less scary than I had expected (though I don't yet know the results because in order to view the disk with my images I would need a PC and also probably a medical degree). However... As we headed back for my test, my heart racing, my stomach turning, ...

Sweet things.

This week, things changed for me a bit; My plans, my outlook, my mood. I was able to appreciate some really sweet things from some really sweet people. There are many. I have been the lucky recipient of so many kind notes, inspirational screen shots, kisses-- but here are just a few of the sweet things that touched me ...

A Post About Sex.

Mommy, Ever After is a blog that began under the umbrella of "mommy blog" and has evolved a bit into the world of popular culture and mental health, but really, it's mostly about being a parent and a person. That said, this site is definitely not appropriate for children. I share some very personal details about ...

In sickness and in health.

We were huddled together, sharing a tiny bed in the ER hallway, as the hospital was so crowded that there were no spare rooms. I was wearing a gown and motorcycle boots and he made a headrest for himself with his coat, so that he could lean against the nurse's station. We couldn't see most ...

For the love of music.

This morning, one of my cherished new friends sent this video to me, to help chase some of my sick babies blues away. [youtube=] She didn't know that The Beach Boys concert with my family was my favorite concert ever. EVER. She didn't know that "God only knows what I'd be without you." is the phrase that I ...

The time out chair.

This week started out a little rough. I was out of sorts, you could say. Perhaps it's the time of year, or something chemical, but I have found my anxiety to be at an unusually high level. For instance, on Monday, my husband left his phone in the car when he went up to his office. I ...

My Love.

Long ago, we wrote love notes. We wrote each other poems, left little hearts around, exchanged cards and poems. Now, our love is much deeper. We have been through the worst together, and I don't say it enough. I am so lucky to have a husband who brings home "just because" flowers to me. That is nice. But that's ...