What do you see?

Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see?  I cannot tell you how many times I have said that line, whether it was in reading a bedtime story to my children, teaching a "Baby and Me" or an after school theatre program in my former life as a teacher, or in creating a curriculum aimed at building confidence ...

Special Guest

On the latest episode of The Podcast I welcome a very special guest. Together we talk about wellness, my marriage post, and loving someone with a mental health issue. Have I piqued your interest? [audio mp3="http://mommyeverafter.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/Mommy-Ever-After-Episode-8.mp3"] Well, the audio is above and the Epi is live on iTunes and Carla Thomas is on the record player and love is in my heart. For anyone who ...

Chicks Who Give A Hoot

Featured image via Michelle Sweeney, Little Nest Portraits Good morning, from the land of mom. I write to you with old-school Adidas massage sandals on my feet, warmth in my heart and tears in my eyes. In all honesty, I had two different blog posts on the schedule for this morning. I have so many exciting things to share, both ...

It was amazing

"You never play outside with us like that, mama!" my daughter said, smiling.  "I know, love," I began. "I want to play outside with you..." She cut me off.  "No, mama. You did play outside with us today and it was the most fun day ever. It was amazing." *** I cannot even begin to count how many times I have written ...

Dear Evan Hansen

#youwillbefound I saw the above hashtag written on a sign on the merch booth as I wove my way through the lower level of The Music Box Theatre, eager to get back to my seat before the start of "Dear Evan Hansen", Broadway's most celebrated new musical. As I tiptoed to my seat, the anticipation building, I noticed ...

Something new, and I think that it could be amazing.

Last night, as I hurried to take the kids for flu shots, get ready for band practice, and get dinner on the table, I posted a status on my personal Facebook page, and wrote a similar post for my local community's parent group, Main Line Parent Community. You may recognize the "Main Line Parent" name, ...