Mr. Dad

Dear Friends, Where do I begin? Often, it's something like, "Hi, I'm Becca? I'm fine, thank you! What do I do? Well, I'm an author. And a blogger. Except, I haven't really blogged..." (at least this is what I have been saying in my head.) I owe you so many things right now. Stories. Updates. Explanations. They're all coming. You ...


I wrote the following post exactly one year ago (April, 2015) with the intention of having it be a freelance piece for another site and then life happened and...I just didn't. So, though some of the subject matter may no longer be relevant--in terms of social media--my message stays the same. I am publishing this ...

A Birth Story-My Sequel: Part 2

Perhaps I should back up a bit. As I mentioned, the doctor told me that because of the nature of my contractions, the difference I was feeling (despite having already been through FOUR false alarms), I should come in to Labor and Delivery to be checked out. You should know this about me: I am a positive person, I am ...

A Baby Story, Chapter 2

5 minutes apart, Lasting for 1 minute, Occuring for 1 hour. The magic formula, for contractions. Once you’ve reached this labor milestone, The OB’s emergency on-call line is now at your fingertips. And I was there. I was so there. I had been having Braxton-Hicks contractions for weeks and weeks. My entire tummy would tighten up into a crazy, lopsided knot. I was actually happy ...

pregnancy brain(less)

Being pregnant is amazing, truly. A miracle. And what they fail to mention in all of the “What to Expect” books is that being pregnant is like receiving a brain transplant. Not only does your mind no longer work properly, but it also encourages bouts of actual insanity. Remember the The Iced Tea Incident? Unfortunately, that wasn’t just some ...

tea, honestly.

The iced tea incident. The iced tea incident is still a joke in my family. The iced tea incident  caused quite the stir (pun intended) at the OBGYN’s office. And not just because members of the office staff bombarded my OB when he came back into work, post-incident, on Monday morning, to make sure I hadn’t ...