The temperature also rises.

After 12 wonderful days of holiday break, my daughter finally got to go back to school on Monday. She was so excited; she had missed her friends and teachers a lot. We are two days in to the new year and, wouldn't you know it, she is home sick again. She woke up late last night, crying for ...

When I peed on that stick–all I didn’t know, 2.0

When my daughter was just shy of 18 months old I wrote about all of the things that I didn't know when I had first decided to become a mother. How that list has grown. Since that time I have learned about RSV and nebulizers, I have learned about cheerios vs. puffs, Disney Junior as opposed to Nick Junior... the ...


Tonight, as I toweled myself off after my shower, this old post popped into my head. As I looked in the mirror I saw tired eyes, hair that has not been washed since Monday morning (which is a new record, even for me. And no, Twin, it doesn't even look dirty) and I thought to myself, threadbare.  The real ...

Muchas Gracias

Just wanted to say thank you. Thank you for the words of support this week, as I cared for our sick baby. RSV is most certainly a Really Sucky Virus. But, we have such a good team. We are so blessed. Thank you. Thank you for the calls, for the emails, sending well wishes and offers to come over and ...

The hardest part.

The hardest part of being a parent is watching your child suffer. I am so so so so so so so millionsofsos blessed that our suffering has been limited and that our daughter has had a healthy, happy life. But, today she is sick. She has been sick for a week. It is RSV or, for those of you ...