After 12 wonderful days of holiday break, my daughter finally got to go back to school on Monday.
She was so excited; she had missed her friends and teachers a lot.
We are two days in to the new year and, wouldn’t you know it, she is home sick again.
She woke up late last night, crying for me, and her temperature was 102.4.
After lots of snuggles, a back rub and Tylenol she went back to bed, but is home sick with me today.
So today was supposed to look like this:
That would be me blogging. I don’t think I have ever shared this before, but I have never worked at a desk (outside of being in class in school) in my entire life. I read and write from the bed or the couch or the floor or the car. Right now, I am writing from the third floor room that is currently transitioning from former-playroom to future-guest room.
But, instead of being able to put on my writer’s hat today,
this is how the day has actually looked:
Nice nod to my best guy.
I tried to make up for it with this:
And when I called the doctor she asked me if the cough was wet or dry or raspy or barky.
I am a somewhat seasoned mom at this point, having had two kids with RSV, croup and both viral and bacterial infections of all kinds. But I am sorry, I cannot classify a cough that specifically unless you are going to play me Youtube clips of each different kind and ask me what sounds most like what is coming out of my daughter’s mouth.
Which means, a trip to the doctor.
And pardon me, but I need to go now to deal with this:
So for now, I am forced to say A Farewell…
to the computer.
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