Best. Note. Ever.

Found this on my way into my parents' house on Sunday. (We were sitting for the pups.) This note tickled me. My dad knows me so well. Oh, and did you catch his reference to Tuesday night's dinner? He was planning a Boys Night, with an extensive and oh-so-manly menu. But, alas, one of the men fell ill and so ...

hello, goodbye and peace

Did you feel that? That would be the new chill in the air, as the night air has finally succumbed to autumn. Did you hear that? That would be the crunch of the fallen leaves under your feet, as the branches are starting to yellow, soon to be set on fire, before growing bare and cold. Did you smell that? That ...

Go Nuts!

The following conversation may or may not have happened this evening: Me: Do you know what's a shame? Husband: What's that? Me: That you don't like peanut butter. Husband: I know. Me: Like, seriously. It's a problem. Husband: I know. Seriously. It makes no sense. Me: Seriously! How could you not like peanut butter? It's amazing. Husband: I know. I love peanuts, I ...