Peeps & Company.

On this site I have become known for some specific things: I speak openly and honestly about mental health, I say the hard truths that others may be afraid to articulate, I genuinely strive to make peoples' lives better, I never turn down a dance party, and I love Peeps. I have written about my love of the sugary marshmallow candy ...

Dear Diary, Saint Motel and rage no more.

I mentioned on Monday that this has been a really unusual time for my little family, filled with hills and valleys (I likened it to a mountain, before, but I will make it simple, tonight). I wrote about how on Sunday we did things like Build Bears, eat popovers and lose our son in the mall ...

A Musical Morning.

This morning, after a full week of feeling sick and sleeping in, I got up with the kids. Except, I wasn't quite ready to get up, nor was I feeling my best, so I decided that while we were "up" we could snuggle on the couch watching music videos for a good hour before starting our ...

You are not alone.

Below, before the three asterisks, is what I wrote early this morning. I took some time off from writing this more emotional post and so, instead, I posted the story of a dance party. Then, my parents took  my daughter to see her new favorite movie, I picked up the cake for my husband's birthday tomorrow ...

Uptown Funk

I am the first person to admit the following two facts: 1. I am not at all in touch with today's current music scene. I know about Sia's "Chandelier" because of an SNL skit sent to me by a friend, I have heard of only about half of the mainstream artists and know very little of ...

It’s a little bit sweet.

Two kids home on a Monday morning. #sickday Two different viruses, one additional overlapping one. It's awesome. Two stops to two fast food restaurants at 10am for throat soothing ice cream. McDonalds ice cream machine was broken. A Frosty remedied the situation. A lot of this. Leading to a little jealousy, So a little of this ...