On this site I have become known for some specific things:
I speak openly and honestly about mental health,
I say the hard truths that others may be afraid to articulate,
I genuinely strive to make peoples’ lives better,
I never turn down a dance party,
and I love Peeps.
I have written about my love of the sugary marshmallow candy so many times that seemingly everyone I know is aware that I love Peeps.
I eat Peeps all throughout the year. During the past 12 months I have enjoyed Peep chickens, Snowmen, Gingerbread Men, Birthday Party Sticks, Ghosts, Pumpkins, Hearts and, of course, my legendary Peeps s’mores.
So, I just realized that I should probably become the official spokesperson for Peeps & Company.
I mean, I am already generating at least some revenue for the company, as I have had Peeps sent to me from all across the country from my kind friends and readers.
And I really like dressing up in costumes. I think I would be such a cute little chick. I could even write a jingle for them!
This week alone, I received dozens of messages, informing me about Peeps Milk, Peeps Ice Cream and,
This morning, my husband got home from dropping our daughter of at school, carrying this:
A sweet friend had seen it and just had to get it for me. She also told me about a Peeps Sundae at a semi-local ice cream shop.
Let me give you a little bit of Peep insider info:
While I like the taste of Peeps because they are sugary marshmallows, it is all about the texture for me.
The more chewy and stale, the better.
Just this week I finished my very last ghost Peep, which means that I had been keeping it in a container in my pantry since October. It was so perfect.
All of this is to say that I am now going to campaign to be the next Peeps spokesperson, because although I am a mother and a teacher and a writer and a mental health advocate,
I should also, most definitely, be a colorful, dressed up chicken.
Peace out, Peeps.
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