That dang ol’ Y Chromosome.

I kid. A little. (*Note, if you know me, you will know that I am the last person to make gender stereotypes or, frankly, to make any judgements about a person's behavior or character based on things such as sex, gender or any other personal feature. So I am not actually being sexist here I promise.) But, alas, ...

Diving in (and peeing on).

So, it has been well established that my two children were very different babies. My daughter didn't sleep. My son sleeps. My daughter nursed for 18 months. My son nursed for 10 weeks. My daughter would sit and play for hours. My son eats candles. My daughter, when taken to the pool for the first time, splashed on the ...

He just pushed me over.

So, there's been something that I have been trying to avoid admitting for some time now. Some call this denial; because if I say it, if I write it, then it becomes true. But, at this point I have to dive into the deep end of the ocean of crazy and just admit what we all already know: My ...

Oven Lovin’.

My son, while being absolutely delicious and adorable, is a completely different species than my daughter. I think it is called "boy". He has eaten a candle. He makes messes. But today my dear boy outdid himself. Let me just say that in 4.75 years my daughter has never, not even once, tried to open our oven. Our son, however, at 15 ...

The little feather that could.

This morning was a morning like most others. We watched an episode of My Little Pony, found the "Tuesday" underwear from my daughter's drawer, hurried her off to school, as my son and I stayed in our pajamas. My son and I snuggled up in bed for a good two hours and napped together, as I fell ...

Go Fish.

I have been writing on this site for almost four and a half years now, chronicling my life, current events, trends, ups and downs, as a way to both keep a diary for myself, and, more recently, to help others. I write about a lot of things on here. I write the things that some people are scared to say. I write ...


This weekend my baby turned one. I type these words with tears in my eyes. Some are happy tears, some are grateful tears, and some, I will admit, are wistful. My son; this child of mine has surprised me from the very beginning. He surprised me when I peed on a stick and saw two lines. Really? But ...

“Once there was a tree…”

Do you remember how I wrote about how my son sometimes acts like a wild animal? Well, for every one of those posts, there are bedtimes like these, sweet nuzzles into my chest, swelling pride at watching him say a new word or master a new trick or try a new food... Shel Silverstein But, seriously, kid. Yesterday ...

Daddy, Ever After

So, as I was browsing the internet yesterday, (read: baby fell asleep while nursing. I had nothing to do but read blogs from my Blackberry) I came across this delicious little interview from the Blogger extraordinaire, The Pioneer Woman, during which she interviewed her rugged cowboy of a husband about all things "hiney-tingling", to use her slang. In ...