I am absolutely brimming with stories to tell; I have good stories, funny stories, warm stories, and a love story. But I haven't been able to write, because I have been too busy doing this thing called living. So, I decided that while I took the time to craft and publish these stories, today, I would republish the story that ...
About: Rebecca Fox Starr
Recent Posts by Rebecca Fox Starr
Peeps & Company.
On this site I have become known for some specific things: I speak openly and honestly about mental health, I say the hard truths that others may be afraid to articulate, I genuinely strive to make peoples' lives better, I never turn down a dance party, and I love Peeps. I have written about my love of the sugary marshmallow candy ...
Dear Diary, Saint Motel and rage no more.
I mentioned on Monday that this has been a really unusual time for my little family, filled with hills and valleys (I likened it to a mountain, before, but I will make it simple, tonight). I wrote about how on Sunday we did things like Build Bears, eat popovers and lose our son in the mall ...
Human again.
It's a funny thing; It has been so long since I have written on here about having named my daughter after a Disney Princess. If you click on that big magnifying glass in the upper right hand corner of this page and type in the words "Disney Princess" you will be shocked at how many ...
International Day of Happiness
I have seen from my social media feed that today is #internationaldayofhappiness. I love this, in that I believe we should all celebrate life when we can, cherishing every drop of it. But, I also worry about this, as I know that today there are many people who are not happy, not even close, and I don't ...
We are doing this
My relationship with my son is an extremely complex one. It is so easy for me to write about my daughter (my mini-me); in fact, I have literally hundreds of posts from which to choose, that would each somehow illustrate her character or our bond. I was just searching for the post in which I ...
Sister things.
I write a lot on here about my dear, beloved friends, who are like my sisters. We talk constantly, see each other whenever possible and are as close as friends can be. But I am also lucky enough to have an actual sister; She has appeared many times on here throughout the years, and although we ...
Cirque du Momei.
I am so blessed to have a small but mighty (AMAZING) team of caregivers for my children. My kids have only been watched by family and those who we treat as such. So today, when a beloved babysitter came to spend time with the kids, they were overjoyed. She took them to the park to play ...
I am not judgmental.
Gay Talese: "I see so many possibilities. I see things from so many conflicting point of views. I am not judgmental, which is one of the terrible things about me. I am not judgmental." Lea Thau: "This is the single thing that I love the most about your work, and this is what I try to ...
“Finally”: A Haiku
Boy curled in my arms, Dad and girl doing puzzles; This, our happy life.
Recent Comments by Rebecca Fox Starr
- February 5, 2015 on “These are the days of miracles and wonder”
- February 5, 2015 on lullaby, and goodnight, go to sleep little baby.
- November 13, 2014 on Instamazing.
- November 5, 2014 on The Hardest Part.
- November 4, 2014 on Behind the curtain.
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