Oven Lovin’.

My son, while being absolutely delicious and adorable, is a completely different species than my daughter. I think it is called "boy". He has eaten a candle. He makes messes. But today my dear boy outdid himself. Let me just say that in 4.75 years my daughter has never, not even once, tried to open our oven. Our son, however, at 15 ...

A Musical Morning.

This morning, after a full week of feeling sick and sleeping in, I got up with the kids. Except, I wasn't quite ready to get up, nor was I feeling my best, so I decided that while we were "up" we could snuggle on the couch watching music videos for a good hour before starting our ...

Jo (M)alone

My son has started this pattern of carrying some strange things around the house with him. Today, his favorites have been my toothbrush, a potholder, "his" iPhone (an old, out of service phone we use as a sound machine), a bag of quinoa and my bottle of Jo Malone "Honeysuckle and Jasmine Cologne". I think that this is supposed ...

“Tell me more, Tell me more.”

I can't believe that it has been four and a half years, almost to the day, since I wrote this silly little post about my sister and the musical Grease. She had sent me the cutest text message and so, because I kept this as an online diary of my life, I blogged it. And I can't ...

Milking it.

My daughter is quite the crafty one. She is smart and creative. She can use her precociousness and persuasiveness simultaneously and deliberately, so this girl rarely hears "no" from people other than her primary caregivers and authority figures (really, just her parents and teachers). Which means that I had to get really clever, myself. My daughter, the ...

Swainsona formosa

My daughter has many qualities. She has two, however, that make life particularly interesting, especially when they affect one another: 1. She has an incredible gift for verbal communication. She has been talking since 6 months old and has never stopped. But she is one of those "old soul" types, and I am stunned every single ...

Be My Baby

Last week, in my post about my emotional day, I wrote the following: "I had at least a handful of moments where I would catch eyes with my son and smile and he would beam back at me with his grin that is becoming more toothy by the day. I think there is a small part of ...

Crazy Aaron’s Thinking Putty (and my crazy son).

I have told you some funny stories about my son's shenanigans. First, there was the time that I called the pediatrician's office, worried about a red rash on his stomach, only to find out that it was just the stain from the previous night's cherry waterice. Then, there was that fun time that I had to call ...

A quiet day at home.

Today I have spent nearly 100% of my day taking care of my children. This has included, but is not limited to: Getting two children dressed and out the door, alone, by 8:30am, dressed in proper clothing and winter attire; Removing a small boy from the dishwasher; Kissing 2 boo-boos; Waking up a sleeping baby who shook his head no ...