I can’t believe that it has been four and a half years, almost to the day, since I wrote this silly little post about my sister and the musical Grease.
She had sent me the cutest text message and so, because I kept this as an online diary of my life, I blogged it.
And I can’t believe how different things are now.
She is no longer in college.
She is no longer a White House Intern; (Though we now stay in touch with her former boss from that summer, as he has become a dear family friend.)
She is no longer traveling abroad on the reg.
But, some things never change.
Today, I introduced my kids to Grease for the first time.
I am lucky enough that my daughter is just young enough that anything inappropriate goes over her head (she was completely oblivious to the cigarette smoking, shockingly, and does not even come close to getting any references to drugs or sex).
I did, however, have to explain the premise to her; I said, “Imagine that we were away in St. John and you made a best friend and you were sooooo sad when we had to leave because you thought you would never see your friend again…and then you ended up both going to the same school, and you didn’t even realize it.”
She was a bit hesitant. Her loyalties are to Into the Woods and Rent and I respect that, because, come on, they are genius in completely different ways, but Grease…it’s Grease!
I told her to wait for the first song; I told her that I thought she would like it.
And oh, she suddenly transformed, in an instant, from The Baker’s Wife into Sandy.
It didn’t matter that we had spent this entire snow day acting out Into the Woods 172 times, or that she stood at the sink for a half an hour “preparing things to bake”, or that she told me, at one point, that she was pregnant.
She was now Sandy!
And I don’t blame her, because
It may be four and a half years later,
so much may have changed,
Grease is the word.
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