I still watch her, sometimes, when she’s sleeping.

I’m still moved by the rhythm of her breathing.
I’m still shattered by the feel of her hands, as they hold me.
I came across these little words, today, and I realize, now,
that my heart has grown
ever so much more.
Sweet girl, you glow.
My Daughter, March 2011
You are my daughter.
You whispered to me in my dreams
and said “Mama, I will know you. I will show you how big your heart can grow.”
long before we ever met.
You grew inside of me,
deep within my center
and in my heart
and I felt you dancing
and knew you, even then.
And then, I held you,
my baby bird,
and when you looked at me with those almond shaped eyes,
and opened your tiny, bow mouth,
we became tied.
We became a love story.
And you’ve grown.
Oh, how you’ve grown so beautiful.
Small, graceful hands,
made perfect for making nice.
Skin I want to live in.
And I stare at that face.
That face. That face. That face.
Your face.
That face of yours
that brings me to my knees.
When I look down at your sleeping face,
that leathery whip of black lashes,
the sharp chin carved from marble,
the colored cheeks and nose like a tiny clover
you are so breathtaking, my dear.
But, the beauty of your face is only second to that of your heart.
Your heart gives off light.
Sweet girl, you glow.
You share the sweetest of kisses.
You look me right in the eyes,
little bird.
You echo my own voice when I tell you how I love you.
You are my daughter,
my love,
and yes,
you’ve shown me
how big my heart can grow.

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