Muchas Gracias

Just wanted to say thank you. Thank you for the words of support this week, as I cared for our sick baby. RSV is most certainly a Really Sucky Virus. But, we have such a good team. We are so blessed. Thank you. Thank you for the calls, for the emails, sending well wishes and offers to come over and ...

She had her first day.

Today, my daughter had her first day of school. Real, big kid school. I had a hard time believing it. She had her very first backpack. She had a hand-drawn cartoon, made by her daddy, which he tucked, carefully, into her school bag. She had her feathers. She had her first day. She had the time of her life.

About Mommy

Hey there! Hi! Thank you so much for stopping by. You may been here before. Thanks so much for sticking around. But, perhaps you're new here. Perhaps you've wandered these parts before, but you're not sure. Perhaps you need something to jog your memory. Perhaps you're not a newbie, per se, but haven't been here since the beginning. I'm ...

Time travel.

Just the other day, it hit me that it was exactly two years ago this week that we found out that we were expecting. It blows my mind. Two years, it has been? How the hay did that happen? I can still remember exactly how I felt; exactly what the world looked like; exactly what I was wearing, feather earrings ...

When it rains…

The past few weeks have been trying. I have felt overwhelmed. And sometimes lonely. And sometimes scared. It has been hard. For reasons that I have written about on here and for other reasons that I have not. And I have not chosen to share certain things because I like to use this space to express my gratitude, and to talk about ...

Speaking of birthdays,

I have yet to share the details of Birthdaypalooza, (which, of course, included lots of kisses and lots and lots of cake. And cupcakes.) like the fact that we spent my birthday weekend in New York City. It was magic. Or, as some may say, it was the icing on the cupcake. It was the perfect day. This year, my birthday meant ...

Scenes from the Nest

Three things you should know about me: I love feathers (yes, you already know that, but I am just further emphasizing my love for all things bird.) I love my family. (which, I mean, duh.) I love photos. More accurately, I am obsessed with photos. I love taking pictures. I love looking at pictures. I love reminiscing over pictures. So yes, feathers, ...

“Oh, look out you rock ‘n rollers”

[youtube=]   There were a lot of changes-- a lot of new-- in the land of mom this week. Having a lot to be thankful for also comes with some major adjustments. "For everything you have missed, you have gained something else, and for everything you gain, you lose something else." I didn't write that. Ralph Waldo Emerson did. And, he's right. Obviously. He's Ralph Waldo Emerson, and ...